The Evergreen Anti-Apartheid Alliance was a student organization at Evergreen State College (ESC). In January 1985 the Board of Trustees of ESC voted to divested from companies doing business in South Africa. (Source: “SAGA Linked to South Africa” Cooper Point Journal, October 23, 1986; MAY 7 TESTIMONY BEFORE UN SPECIAL COMMITTEE...
The Evergreen Anti-Apartheid Alliance was a student organization at Evergreen State College (ESC). In January 1985 the Board of Trustees of ESC voted to divested from companies doing business in South Africa. (Source: “SAGA Linked to South Africa” Cooper Point Journal, October 23, 1986; MAY 7 TESTIMONY BEFORE UN SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID, Joshua Nessen, American Committee on Africa, May 17, 1985, available on this website; the May-June 1985 and Summer 1985 issues of the Student Anti-Apartheid Newsletter, American Committee on Africa, available on this website.)