Evangelische Frauenarbeit in Deutschland
Evangelische Frauenarbeit in Deutschland
Location: Germany
Duration: Unknown, existed in the 1970s - Unknown, apparently still exists
Evangelische Frauenarbeit in Deutschland (EFD, Evangelical Women's Federation in Germany) supported the struggle against apartheid and freedom in South Africa and Namibia. In November 1977 EFD began a campaign against the purchase of fruit from South Africa in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). EFD produced material in support of a...
Evangelische Frauenarbeit in Deutschland (EFD, Evangelical Women's Federation in Germany) supported the struggle against apartheid and freedom in South Africa and Namibia. In November 1977 EFD began a campaign against the purchase of fruit from South Africa in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). EFD produced material in support of a boycott of products from South Africa.
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