Location: London, United Kingdom
Duration: 1982 - Unknown, 1990?
City of London Anti-Apartheid Group was formed in 1982. Its first activity was a 24-hour picket to demand the transfer of political prisoner David Kitson from Pretoria Central Prison. From 1986 the City of London Anti-Apartheid Group organized a round-the-clock non-stop picket at the South African Embassy to demand the release of Nelson Mandela....
City of London Anti-Apartheid Group was formed in 1982. Its first activity was a 24-hour picket to demand the transfer of political prisoner David Kitson from Pretoria Central Prison. From 1986 the City of London Anti-Apartheid Group organized a round-the-clock non-stop picket at the South African Embassy to demand the release of Nelson Mandela. This non-stop action continued for four years until Mandela was released in February 1990. (Source: The Forward to Freedom website http://aamarchives.org/file-view/category/10-all-files.html?s_f_id=5194 accessed September 23, 2014)