Austrian Anti-Apartheid Movement
Austrian Anti-Apartheid Movement
Alternate Names: Osterreich Anti Apartheid Bewegung, Southern Africa Documentation and Cooperation Centre
Location: Austria
Duration: 1977 - 1993
The Austrian Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) began in 1977 after the 1976 Soweto uprisings. It started as a small group of people who lobbied the Austrian public and government into taking an active stand against apartheid. Over the years the group grew and mobilized the Austrian public into, for example, boycotting South African products. The AAM was...
The Austrian Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) began in 1977 after the 1976 Soweto uprisings. It started as a small group of people who lobbied the Austrian public and government into taking an active stand against apartheid. Over the years the group grew and mobilized the Austrian public into, for example, boycotting South African products. The AAM was not aligned to any political party in Austria. This made it into an effective lobby group, especially in the mid-eighties. The AAM was also in touch with the other anti-apartheid movements in Europe. In 1993, the AAM was dissolved and a successor organization was founded: the Southern Africa Documentation and Cooperation Centre (SADOCC).
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