The Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (NOCOZA, Fellesrådet for det sørlige Afrika) was formed in 1967 by a merger of NAMA and CFSA. It was an umbrella organization for youth organizations and undertook solidarity work for southern Africa and anti-apartheid activities. It opened for individual membership and other organizations in...
The Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (NOCOZA, Fellesrådet for det sørlige Afrika) was formed in 1967 by a merger of NAMA and CFSA. It was an umbrella organization for youth organizations and undertook solidarity work for southern Africa and anti-apartheid activities. It opened for individual membership and other organizations in 1976 and started local committees. It also worked with the Shipping Research Bureau on the oil boycott of South Africa. It continued to operate after 1994 as Norwegian Council for Africa.
ARBEIDERBEVEGELSENS ARKIV OG BIBLIOTEK (Labour Movement Archive and Library) holds the entire archive covering the period 1967-1993. (Source: Norwegian Council for Africa and the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory websites accessed on May 27, 2013.)