Johns Hopkins University Coalition for a Free South Africa
Johns Hopkins University Coalition for a Free South Africa
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Duration: Unknown, existed in 1986 - Unknown, existed in the late1980s
The Johns Hopkins University Coalition for a Free South Africa was a student group at Johns Hopkins University that campaigned to get the university to divest from companies doing business in South Africa. The Coalition also campaigned against bank investment in and loans to South Africa by targeting Maryland National Bank (MNB), NCNB Corporation...
The Johns Hopkins University Coalition for a Free South Africa was a student group at Johns Hopkins University that campaigned to get the university to divest from companies doing business in South Africa. The Coalition also campaigned against bank investment in and loans to South Africa by targeting Maryland National Bank (MNB), NCNB Corporation and Citibank opposing the banks investment in and loans to South Africa. The Johns Hopkins University Coalition for a Free South Africa was a campus member organization of DC Coalition Against Apartheid and Racism (DC SCAR) (Source: "National Divestment Protest Days target U.S. corporations" by Joshua Nessen, Guardian, April 15, 1987 available on this website in South Africa Protesters Target Three Big Banks, American Committee on Africa; Testimony of Patrick Bond in United States Student Movement Against Apartheid, Hearings at United Nations Headquarters, New York, 17 June 1986, Notes and Documents, September 1986, United Nations Centre Against Apartheid; "FROM DIVESTMENT TO REINVESTMENT Baltimore campaign links apartheid, redlining" by Patrick Bond, Dollars and Sense, June 1987; and New Voices: Student Political Activism in the '80s and '90s by Tony Vellela, South End Press, 1988)
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