The Workers Defense League, founded in 1936 by Norman Thomas and his friends in the labor movement, has concerned itself with protecting the legal rights of workers. The Workers Defense League provided legal representation to five Africans from South Africa, former members of the cast of the Broadway musical "Sponono" who were seeking...
The Workers Defense League, founded in 1936 by Norman Thomas and his friends in the labor movement, has concerned itself with protecting the legal rights of workers. The Workers Defense League provided legal representation to five Africans from South Africa, former members of the cast of the Broadway musical "Sponono" who were seeking political asylum in the United States in 1965. (Document available on this website; Jon D. Bloom of the Workers Defense League; and
Workers' Defense League by Murray Kempton, Letter to the Editor, The New York Review of Books, November 5, 1970, accessed September 24, 2010)