Students Against Apartheid (SAA) was a student group at the University of Utah that campaigned to get the university to divest from companies doing business in South Africa. SAA first built a shanty on the campus in February 1986. In June 1987, the university voted to divest from all companies doing business in South Africa, after which the organization...
Students Against Apartheid (SAA) was a student group at the University of Utah that campaigned to get the university to divest from companies doing business in South Africa. SAA first built a shanty on the campus in February 1986. In June 1987, the university voted to divest from all companies doing business in South Africa, after which the organization largely ceased to function. (Source: Testimony of Darin Dockstader of SAA to the Special Committee Against Apartheid in United States Student Movement Against Apartheid, Hearings at United Nations Headquarters, 27 June 1986 Notes and Documents 10/86, United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, September 1986; and
"In Deed and in Word": The Anti-Apartheid Movement at the University of Utah, 1978-1987 by Benjamin Harris in Utah Historical Quarterly, Summer 2007, accessed January 3, 2014.)