Location: Lansing, Michigan, United States
Duration: Unknown, existed in 1983 - Unknown, existed in 1985, possibly continued as late as mid-1988
MichDivest was a network of Michigan-based groups opposing apartheid that campaigned from about 1983 to 1985, possibly longer, for the adoption of legislation introduced by Rep. Perry Bullard and Rep. Virgil Smith in the Michigan state legislature to divest public pension funds from companies doing business in South Africa. Most communications to...
MichDivest was a network of Michigan-based groups opposing apartheid that campaigned from about 1983 to 1985, possibly longer, for the adoption of legislation introduced by Rep. Perry Bullard and Rep. Virgil Smith in the Michigan state legislature to divest public pension funds from companies doing business in South Africa. Most communications to MichDivest came from the office of Representative Bullard, and its meetings were held in Lansing. A bill to divest public pension funds was singed into law by the Governor in July 1988. (Source: documents on this website including Amandla!, July 1983, Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid; SUBJECT: Possible actions relating to recent WMU Foundation decisions by Don Van Hoeven, October 17, 1983; Re: Detroit News Editorial by Roger Kerson, February 16, 1984; ACAS NEWSLETTER, Number 14, Summer 1985, Association of Concerned Africa Scholars; and RE: Update on divestment legislation by Jim Burchell, October 16, 1985.)
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